Player of the month: January 2016 – Ella Glanville
Posted 15 Mar 2016
It is our pleasure to announce that the winner of the Player of the Month Award for January 2016 goes to, Ella Glanville.
This award is soley given based on merit, it’s not and award that is shared around the players, it has to be hard earned, hence why Ella has been awarded this title for January.
Ella is making the most of this current spike in her development, she continues to work hard in every session she attends. The improvement in her technical game, backed up with improved patterns of play in her tactical game, has seen Ella’s match play level rise, with some great results to boot!
The EBAT team have been to Ella’s school as part of Bally’s ‘Free Schools Programme’ and the tam chose this moment to surprise Ella with her POTM award in front of all of her friends! This moment was made even more special as it was also Ella’s birthday!
Picture: Ella Glanville – Player of the Month – January 2016

Congratulations Ella from Coach Nino, the EBAT Coaching team and your fellow EBAT players.
Congratulations also to the other nominees who have had a great month:
Elena Fairweather
Lewis Hind
Isaac Kingham
Tawana Senah